Emily wowed Mrs McCormick and her select audience today with her AMAZING talent!
July 2021: Tennis coaching at St Michael's Park
July 2021: Paddle-boarding at Lake 86
July 2021: Zumba!!!
June 2021: Science
As part of our science topic on electricity, 6A had a fun afternoon making circuits using wires, batteries, bulbs, buzzers and motors. They designed an experiment to show variation within a closed circuit e.g. will a higher voltage impact the brightness of a bulb or the speed of a motor? Please ask us what we learnt...
June 2021: Storytelling
This week we finished our mini books complete with front and back covers. Inside, we have written warning stories full of suspense and figurative language, based on Camilla, the girl from our class text. Today we got to meet with Class 2B in Forest School (socially distanced of course) for a recital as though we were real authors! Y2 were very impressed. Hopefully this will inspire them with their own learning about the Romans. We have printed extra copies of our books for 2B to take back for their class book corner.
June 2021: 6A Quadkids and Cricket Coaching!
May 2021: We had such an interesting morning at the Corinium Museum! Please ask us what we learnt about our home town 2000 years ago from the 'Roman Identity' trail.
May 2021: RE What account does Mark (14-15) give of Holy Week? Can you tell the story through our images?
April 2021: Roman treasure!
Look at this real Roman hairpin that Mrs Scott dug up during an excavation in Rodmarton. It is carved from bone in an intricate pine-cone shape and would have been worn by a Roman lady nearly 2000 years ago! We used it to inspire us with our writing.
March 2021: Lino printing!
March 2021: Meet The Author - Jane Hardstaff
Year 6 was thrilled to join Jane Hardstaff, the author of The Executioner's Daughter, for a virtual "meet the author" session. They asked her a wide range of questions about the book, her writing and her inspiration. Pupils also shared their own creative writing with Jane and were delighted to hear her comments.
There is an exciting sequel to the book, River Daugter, which is available on the SORA reading app. Find out about Moss and Salter's next adventure...
March 2021: Poetry
Y6 have been studying ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes as part of our topic ‘Does the punishment always fit the crime.’ We have written our own poems about characters from our class text around the themes of love, death and betrayal. We had to consider rhythm, rhyming and repetition; we also worked hard to include figurative language such as metaphors and similes to create atmosphere in the style of ‘The Highwayman’.
March 2021: And we’re back!
6A are so pleased to have all returned from lockdown. We are very happy and relieved to be back to normal learning in class. (I bet our parents are too.) Hooray!!! Here we all are celebrating Red Nose Day.
December 2020: Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Harry received the best festive lunch ever! (Thank you Mum)
December 2020: We have manipulated famous paintings in the style of Banksy to make statements about human impact on our planet
December 2020: Mouldy bread experiments
This term, we carried out science experiments with slices of bread. We were aiming to find out whether mould prefers damp or dry conditions / warm or cold conditions / light or dark conditions / open-air or airtight conditions. After 2 weeks of observing our bread and recording changes, we were able to write our results as a science report. It appears that mould generally prefers to grow in warm, moist conditions. We found that a different kind of mould appears to grow in dark conditions. Mould grows quicker when exposed to the open-air but the bread dries out and this inhibits the growth. (Limitations: we also found out that this experiment takes a lot longer than usual during COVID because our classroom is so chilly with the doors open!)
We also carried out a whole-class experiment with three slices of bread: the first no-one touched, the second we all touched when we had just arrived at school and the third we all touched after we had washed our hands. The photos below are clear evidence of the importance of washing hands - a great lesson for us all!
December 2020: Class Council
Our class councillors have done an excellent job this term leading assemblies on today's hot topics:
What would you have like to have known at the start of lockdown?
What was your number one tip for staying happy and healthy during lockdown?
If you could put one item into a time capsule, what would it be and why?
What was the best thing about learning at home? What were the challenges?
When the pandemic is over, how would you like the world to be different?
If you were primeminister for a day, what would you do and why?
Please ask us about our views on these these questions.
December 2020: Goodbye Miss Bevans and thank you for teaching us!
November 2020: Woodlouse Choice Chambers
Year 6 had a very interesting afternoon carrying out an experiment to see which habitat woodlice prefer. We designed and built our choice chambers, considering light v dark and dry v damp, and then invited lots of lovely woodlice to move in. We recorded their behaviour over a set period of time. We will use our results to write up a science report next week. Please ask us about this!
October 2020: Fantastic Fossils!
This week we explored fossils and examined how they can provide evidence of evolution.
September 2020: Newspaper self-portraits
This week we continued with our self-portraiture theme by ripping up old newspapers to embellish our printed images. We considered texture and colour and used words to express who we really are.
September 2020
Have a read of or Skellig Michael travel brochures. Have we persuaded you to visit?