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Cirencester Primary School and Nursery

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Year 4 Home Learning Gallery

Since most children had to stop coming to school, we started year group web pages to share what we're doing at home to keep our learning alive and entertaining.


See below what children from Italy and Sweden classes are up to:



Here are some images of Sweden (Ethan, Harry, Toby, Rosie, Kyle, Marley, Zach and Ellen and Ashton ) working plus Harry's science project, Kyle's work and Ellen's Nature Photography (as part of science).

Marley, Sophie and Kyle also made rather lovely rainbows, in Kyle's case to send to a care home to cheer up those stuck inside. Toby has made a cheerful flower rwianbow, which is wearing with pride.

Esme and Hannah have also let us know they are working hard and are OK, and Ashton has been using Facetime to discuss work with Oliver.

It would be lovely to have some writing as well, so we could add it as we did when we wrote before Christmas. Mrs Scott has emailed with some suggestions.



Hopeful Rainbows

Five Star Challenges


Well done to the 12 children who met their targets for a five star chellenge this week. There has been some amazing work coming in from all subjects. It was good to see your work, and also some completed blank timetables (Maia and Esme showing friends think alike) to show how you had managed your time.

It is good to see your writing from Sophie and Amira, and in Computing from Esme in her teeth cleaning code, although Sophie's descrition of fast food made my stomach rumble. Many of you-such as Myla, Ethan and Rosie, have used the great weather for PE and for scientific exploration. It is also lovely to see so many of you looking after siblings and learning life skills, such as Ellen's crochet. Esme's DT classroom and self-portrait were amazing, and made us realise how much we miss school where (according to Amira) the teachers can be told to sort the timetable out! I am looking forward to seeing more of these, I know many of you are creating them.



Week 2 five Star Challenges

Week One, Five Star Challenges

Back from our Easter break...


Thank you for all of you who sent pictures of your Easter learning and activities. There are now so many lovely pictures a new set of galleries was needed. Mr Johnson and Miss Szaniszlo hope you enjoy seeing yourselves, your friends and your work as much as we enjoy receiving it.

Some of Sophie's illustrated maths and writing, lovely to see the care taken with her workk, and a brilliant series of imaginative writing. Toby's Pobble work is also wonderfully done, can't wait to read more!
Here, Myla-Rose explores science with her family (greta observation, Myla) and practises her DT skills, Tye builds a fantastic den, and Ellen explores properties of materials by making squidgy soap-which lasts longer than other soap as bits don't flake off.

And Rosie and Marley take a break from work to share some joy with those around them, and with us. Toby, meanwhile, shares all our fears at the lockdown haircut! Tye embarced getting a year old, with a truly delicious looking cake.



ITALY CLASS are working hard at enjoying themselves in their learning - thank you for keeping us posted and making us smile Angel, Caitlin, Charlie A., Daniel, Ella, Florence, Harley, Harry, Hollie, Jacob L., Lilly, Poppy, Nancie, Natasha and Rose.

Latest Italy Class Home Activity Gallery for week ending 30th April - a very big thanks for all of your pictures from Mr Burton and Mr Frost.

The first ten days of May - the very latest images from Italy Class. Many thanks to all for your contributions.

Also in the first week of May: Charlie A reconstructs Italy Class, but do you recognise any of its occupants?

More in May - Harry mixing piano, science and maths (darts multiples!)

Harry's personal A-Z guide to Lockdown. Have a go at writing your own A-Z... if you have time.

May 11th and more to see from Rose, Florence and Poppy.

Harley making a lava lamp for science and more...

Most recently, Harley has been observing the beautiful birds in his garden while Caitlin's DT projects have included cooking and papier-mache fabrication.

Rose has been baking, trying science experiments, looking at angles, painting and succeeding with minecraft!

Harry's haircut, science experiments and more.

Charlie A with Rising Star maths on his laptop and writing about VE Day.

Harley enjoying the good weather with his big sister!

Ella has been very busy even finding time to hone her IT skills with this presentation -well done!

Lots of writing, science and maths from Natasha:

Nancie out and about and being creative at home.

Daniel has been enjoying the garden and keeping fit in the great outdoors as well as practising music and enjoying cooking...

It's the 21st May and most of us are out enjoying the beautiful weather and exploring nature... only one month until the longest day!

A big thank you to all of Italy Class too for keeping is smiling.

Beautifully presented art and design work from Poppy including her ideal classroom and a map of her garden.

May 22nd... Charlie has been baking scones... but unfortunately he can't deliver them to my door!

Rose has been cooking too (spaghetti); listening to music genres; coding in Minecraft; writing a Romans powerpoint; studying solids, liquids and gases and the solar system; drawing in art; and not forgetting undertaking a climbing Mount Snowdon challenge (using her stairs). Mr Forst and I are so impressed with all that children from Italy Class are doing during their 'lockdown'.

1st June: What a great half term holiday (if that's what we call holidays now)! Thank you especially to Ella, Mollie, Daniel, Natasha, Harry, Poppy and Harley for all your wonderful pictures from last week.

FIRST WEEK BACK AT SCHOOL IN JUNE BUT WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE ITALY CHILDREN AT HOME? Here's what they've been doing. Thank you as ever for sharing and keeping us all motivated. POPPY, CHARLIE, ELLA, ROSE, NATASHA, ANGEL, NANCIE...

It's the week before the longest day of the year and we're all making the most of it. THANK YOU: Ella, Poppy, Natasha, Daniel, Harley and Harry! We won't be Italy Class again but Mr Frost and I have had a wonderful year with all of you.

Another week (w/c 22nd June) and we can see Rose in the great outdoors, Ella studying the Vikings, Nancie cooking and exploring nature (a scarlet tiger moth!) and Natasha doing a project on internet safety and learning to ride a bike!

It's almost July! It's turned a bit dull and wet! But don't despair and keep sending us pictures of you out there!

See Harry's Virtual School Games Challenge - impressive!

Rose's beautiful "Year Poem"

Two weeks to go! We are keeping busy at home and at school (see POD pages too).
