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Cirencester Primary School and Nursery

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Cirencester Primary School and Nursery

Current Curriculum Content

NumBots and TTRS

Numbots is an online game that enables pupils to develop and use efficient mental calculation strategies to add and subtract two-digit numbers, so that they can leave counting on their fingers behind!


NumBots equips each pupil with the set of core maths skills they require by building their knowledge from the ground up - starting at the very beginning with subitising.


This leads to the instant recall of key number facts that will be built on a secure and genuine mathematical understanding in order for pupils to move forward and solve increasingly complex problems.



What is Times Table Rock Stars?

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practise.  Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so.


What are its aims?

The programme has one aim - to boost times table recall speeds.


What are the benefits of Times Table Rock Stars?

  • Incorrect answers are always immediately corrected in front of the pupil so that they start to associate the correct answer to every question.
  • The clever code behind the scenes works out which times tables facts each pupil is consistently taking longer to answer and then it gradually starts to present these facts more frequently until pupils have mastered them.
  • It will also ask related division questions 20% of the time in order to reinforce division facts