We are always looking for projects that we feel could enhance your child’s wellbeing, alongside the support the school offers.
As a school, we have been offered the opportunity to work with the Aston project. The project is for children aged 9-17 years old, with the aim to assist young people to be inspired and equipped to make positive choices, utilise their skills and attributes, and by taking part and working within their community.
The Aston Project promotes the ethos of working with others, and having the ability to develop relationships. Learning these skills will enable the children to become successful individuals in later life, and I feel this project could work well with your child, alongside their school nurture programme.
How it works?
- Young people engaged with the project are encouraged to talk to us about the types of rewards activities available.
- The number of credits that a young person receives will vary according to the type of activity undertaken.
- Once sufficient credits have been earned, the young person, guided by a member of the team, can choose to spend them on a desired reward activity.
- The amount of credits required will be based upon the cost of the activity and the amount of staff/volunteer time needed to run it.
- Credit earning activités are spilt into four categories, with credits awarded for every hour you spend on them.
How your child will earn credits?
There are four categories in which your child can be awarded credits. For example:
- Community based - two credits per hour. This would be contributing within the local community.
- Discipline based - one credit per hour. This might include activities such as martial arts, cadets, chess club, football training.
- Character building - 1 credit per hour. The activities would include working together as a team or doing something as an individual developing their own character such as mountain biking, team problem solving, fun runs.
- Vocational - two credits per hour. These activities would involve doing something practical towards achieving future employment such as volunteering, work placements and apprentices. However, this would be when your child is aged 15 and above to access the vocationa
The child gets to choose which activity they would like to take part in.
If this is something you think your child would like to take part in please contact me via my email.