Admission to Cirencester Primary School
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. If you have any questions please call our school office on 01285 658550.
For details of Gloucestershire County Council’s admissions process, click link –
The published admission number (PAN) for Cirencester Primary School is 60.
Foundation Stage places
Applying for a primary school place in Gloucestershire children start school in the school year in which they turn 5. Cirencester Primary School is a primary school and has pupils aged 4 to 11 in 7 year groups from Foundation Stage through to Year 6.
The majority of applications for Foundation Stage are made between October and January for intake in September. Information about the process and the County Council online application form will be available in the autumn on the County Council website. Alternatively you can contact the Access to Education Team directly on 01452 425407.
The Gloucestershire Local Authority is responsible for all the allocation of school places for children joining Reception. The Governors are still responsible for ranking the applications according to the Admissions Policy.
Applying for a school place during the school year (in-year applications)
If your child is starting or changing schools at other times, or you move to the area during the school year you will need to apply for a school place in the first instance directly to the school. Please click on the link below to download a Gloucestershire In-year Admission Form. This form is also available from the school office:-
Admission to Cirencester Primary School Nursery
For admissions, other information or to arrange a visit to our nursery, please email