Sports Premium
At Cirencester Primary School, Physical Education (PE) and Sport play a fundamental role in supporting our school values and making physical activity a reality for pupils, of all abilities, to achieve their potential and to promote lifelong participation.
PE and sport provide our children with opportunities to develop the important qualities of self-belief, determination, communication, teamwork and resilience. This should lead to improved concentration, attitude and achievement in all aspects of their personal development.
We have welcomed the government’s emphasis on the importance of promoting active, healthy lifestyles within the school curriculum day and we are committed to using the Sport Premium funding to enhance our provision of high quality PE, both within and beyond the curriculum and to add to our existing resources.
To support us in achieving this, we are using a proportion of our funding to belong to the Kingshill School Primary Partnership and Cotswold Sports Network. This gives us access to greater participation in inter-school competition across a range of sports, specific training for staff, coaching for children, purchasing new resources and promoting physical activity both in and out of school.