We have been reading and following a range of instructions. We wrote our own instructions to make a 'Thaumotrope' - A Victorian toy.
We designed and made a Victorian wooden peg doll. We compared the design of a Victorian clothes peg and a modern peg and noticed similarites and differences.
We looked at and handled replica toys that children in Victorian times would have played with. We made a human time line to show and discuss how toys have changed over time.
We have looked at a local Victorian building; the Royal Agricultural. We have seen how it has changed over time and the impact it has had on the local community.
Who is a Muslim?
We have been learning about what our rights our. We ranked them from the most to least important. We will be comparing our rights to that of a Victorian child.
PSHE - anti bullying week
We condsered the qualities of what makes a good friend.
We used Ipads to find information and answer questions about Queen Victoria.
We have been using 'Base10' resources to show our knowledge of place value (tens and ones).