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Cirencester Primary School and Nursery

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Cirencester Primary School and Nursery

Current Curriculum Content

Sports events 2023 - 2024

KS2 Sports Day at Cirencester Primary

Water Sports at Lake 86, South Cerney

Rounders at Kingshill School

Area Sports at Deer Park School

Year 4 Cricket Festival at Cirencester Cricket Ground

Girls' Cricket Festival at Cirencester Cricket Ground

Year 6 Open Cricket Festival at Cirencester Cricket Ground

Big Experience Day - I am a Mountaineer!

Y5/6 Orienteering at Far Peaks

Year 4 Tennis Festival at Kingshill School

Year 3/4 Quadkids at Kingshill School

Year 5/6 Quadkids at Kingshill School

Y5/6 Indoor Cricket at Kingshill School

Handball Festival at Cirencester College

Year 5 Dodgeball at Cirencester Arena

Bee Netball Competition - Competitive team

Bee Netball Festival - Development team

Year 4 Panathlon at Cirencester College

Year 4 Multiskills at Cirencester Arena

Year 6 Dodgeball Championship at Cirencester College

Year 4 Archery at Kingshill School

Year 5/6 Football Skills at Cirencester Arena

Year 5 Benchball at Kingshill School

Year 4 Gymnastics at Watermoor Point

Year 6 Quicksticks at Deer Park School

Year 6 Dodgeball at Kingshill School

Boccia and New Age Kurling at Kingshill School

Year 6 Skipping Workshop at Cirencester Leisure Centre

Year 5/6 Dodgeball at Kingshill School

Girls' Football 7 - a - side County Finals at Oxstalls Sports Complex, Gloucester

Year 6 Development Sportshall Athletics at Kingshill School

Tenpin Bowling at The Tenpin Bowling Centre, Gloucester

Cirencester Primary Football Tournament - November 2023

Cirencester Primary Football Tournament - November 2023

Cirencester Primary Football Tournament - November 2023

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics at Cirencester College

Sportshall Athletics at Cirencester College

Year 4 Indoor Sportshall Athletics at Kingshill School

Year 4 Sportshall Athletics at Kingshill School

Year 6 Quicksticks at Deer Park School

Year 6 Bee Netball at Kingshill School

Year 3/4 Fun Football at Cirencester Town Football Stadium

World Cup Tag Rugby at Cirencester Rugby Club

Year 5/6 Girls Football Festival at Cirencester Town Football Stadium

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Team Cross Country running at Kingshill School
