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Cirencester Primary School and Nursery

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Cirencester Primary School and Nursery

Current Curriculum Content

Reception Intake - September

Thank you for your interest in Cirencester Primary School.  We are a school that prides itself on providing a broad and balanced education for boys and girls from the age of two to eleven.


As you explore our website, you will see a school that has human values at its core as well as an extraordinary and committed teaching staff. The approach fostered by a values-based education ensures that the qualities, strengths and aspirations of every child are encouraged and nurtured.


Cirencester Primary School is a very self-reflecting school, where we strive to continuously develop. This models behaviour we expect from our children - always looking at ways to improve our learning.


Cirencester Primary School offers the full national curriculum to all pupils, every school year. We are immensely proud of our enrichment programme which offers educational and learning enhancements to all of our children, through Big Experiences and exploring Big Questions.


At the heart of our school is a belief in our school curriculum which has carefully selected knowledge, skills and experiences to help all children thrive. Our teaching staff expertly design and deliver learning which engages, stimulates and enthuses children. The result of this is confident and competent young people who are equipped and ready to enter their next stage of education.


Better yet, come for a visit so that we can welcome you in person. You will struck by the warm and friendly atmosphere, as well as the calm and focused approach to learning.


Prospective parent tours usually take place in October and November each year. Please contact our school office for further information on 01285 658550
